philosophy & critical theory | videos, PODCASTtutoring
Hello, and welcome! 
pleeb: I grew up on a farm and worked entry level jobs for over a decade in the construction and food service fields before going to college. ​​​​​​​
THeory: Now I've spent the last seven years studying philosophy and critical theory. My conservative working class upbringing has shown me how important and liberating critical thinking and theory can be. 
Goal: I strive to share those resources I've found helpful for dismantling harmful ideologies and making sense of the world, while continuing to learn and grow for the rest of my life. 
Join! I produce videos and podcasts, organize events, write blogs, lead discussion groups, and provide private tutoring services. Want to support my project? Check out those Patreon and Paypal buttons. :)
This podcast is available on Google Play, Player FM, iTunes, SpotifyPodcast Addict, Spreaker, and more.