A.S. in philosophy, North Idaho College
- Graduated with honors
- President and founder of Philosophy Club at Boise State
B.A. in philosophy, Boise State University
- Graduated with honors
- President of Boise State Philosophy Club
- President of New Symbolization Project (NSP)
M.A. in critical theory, Boise State University
- [Nearly complete]

- Tutor for college prep program [2 semesters]
- Peer Mentor for the Boise State Honor's College [1 semester]
- Adjunct Instructor for University Foundation 100 (Intro to College Skills) [7 semesters]
- 3rd to highest rated instructor at Boise State on RateMyProfessor.com (link)
Organizing: Conferences and Talks
- Peter Coffin
- Dr. Richard Wolff
- Emily Pothast
- Peter Rollins
- Conference: Responding to Jordan Peterson In Lieu of a Debate, #JPCON #JPCON18
- Dr. Iain Thompson
- Dr. Arthur Bradley
- Dr. Gregory B. Sadler
- Joel Salatin
- Dr. Garett Merriam
- Dr. Jason J. Campbell
- Res Cogitans: Why Wrestle with Being and Time? A Justification of Heidegger’s Methodology of Obscurantism and Obfuscation
- Blue Review: Civility, Free Speech, and Safe Spaces
- Self publishing on Medium
Conference Presentations
Presented original research at the conference Responding to Jordan Peterson, 2018.
Presented original research on living-learning communities at the Zizekian Institute, Athens GA, 2018.
Presented original research on self-care, community, and technology at the 7th International Colloquium on Technology. Córdoba, Argentina.
Presented original research on social media and technology at the East-West Philosopher’s Conference in Oahu, Hawaii.
Presented original research on environmental ethics at Duke University in Madison, NJ.
Presented original research on social media and ethics at Boise State University Undergraduate Research Conference.
Presented original research on human rights issues for the Gender Studies Brown Bag Lecture Series at Boise State University.
Presented original research on human nature in relation to technology at the Pittsburgh Continental Network Conference.
Presented original research paper on human rights for world’s largest and most popular Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, Pacific University, OR.
Presented speech on goal setting at student leadership development conference in Phoenix, AZ.
Presented speech on facilitating organic group discussions at a student leadership development conference in Columbus, OH.