Arrival. Folks are getting into town this evening. Want to meet some other conference goers and hang out? We’ll be meeting informally at Papa Joe’s, an Italian restaurant and bar right off campus beside Boise State.
Papa Joe’s Italian Restaurant & Bar
1301 S Capitol Blvd
5:00-9:30 PM
Friday, October 19
Our goal is to live stream all of the events on social media! If you want to help, let us know. You can help us gain visibility with this conference by sharing the live streams, photos of the conference, and posts about the conference, on your social media with the hashtag #JPCON.
As a reminder, remain professional. Our goal is to remain rigorous and mature in engaging Peterson as a cultural phenomenon, educate, and not get sued.
8:00 AM - Coffee and Registration Liberal Arts Building, Room 106
Come make sure your name is in the system and get your lanyard. Socialize a little, or chill in a corner and sip your coffee indifferently.
10:00 AM - Opening Remarks Liberal Arts Building, Room106
10:30 AM - Keynote: Debate Between Michael Brooks and Antonio Garcia Liberal Arts Building, Room 106
Debate between Michael Brooks and Antonio Garcia on the topic of how seriously we should take Jordan Peterson, whether he deserves some respect, etc.
LUNCH Recommended locations: Student Union Building (on campus), Interactive Learning Center (on campus), Chipotle, Papa Joes (Italian) (both ~13 minute walk from campus)
12:45 PM - Podcast: Zero Squared and Michael Brooks Mashup on the Anti-PC Industry Liberal Arts Building, Room 106
3:00-3:30 PM - Breakout Sessions
Repression and Destruction: Contrasting Peterson and the Alt-Right Jacob Vangeest Liberal Arts Building 105
Gravediggers: Jordan Peterson and the Corpse of the Enlightenment Andrew Woods Liberal Arts Building 203
3:40-4:10 PM - Breakout Sessions
Excuse Me, But You’ve Got Something in Your Teeth Dave McKerracher Liberal Arts Building 105
The Heresy of a Generic Ethic: A Reply to Peterson Matt Rosen Liberal Arts Building 203
5:00 PM - Keynote: Peter Rollins on Slavoj Zizek vs. Jordan Peterson Liberal Arts Building 106
Optional after-gathering at Solid Grill & Bar, an 18 minute walk from campus, or catch a Lyft! Solid is a perfect springboard for checking out the downtown scene.
Solid Grill & Bar
405 S 8th Street
7:00-9:30 PM
Join us for some drinks and appetizers (vegan options available). All ages welcome!
Saturday, October 20
Our goal is to live stream all of the events on social media! If you want to help, let us know. You can help us gain visibility with this conference by sharing the live streams, photos of the conference, and posts about the conference, on your social media with the hashtag #JPCON.
As a reminder, remain professional. Our goal is to remain rigorous and mature in engaging Peterson as a cultural phenomenon, educate, and not get sued.
8:00 AM - Coffee and Coffin Liberal Arts Building 106
8:45 AM - Opening Remarks Liberal Arts Building 106
9:00-9:30 AM - Breakout Sessions
We Must Produce a New Materialist Education Nathan Sacket Liberal Arts Building 103
Jordan Peterson: A Haunted Man Robert Bratley Liberal Arts Building 105
9:40-10:10 AM - Breakout Sessions
The Great Mother and the Dragon of Chaos: On Jordan Peterson’s Misuses of Mythology Emily Pothast Liberal Arts Building 103
The Pseudoscience of Jordan Peterson Jamie Morgan Liberal Arts Building105
10:20-10:50 AM -Breakout Sessions
Jung-ing Responsibility in Postmodern Times Marilynn Lawrence Liberal Arts Building 103
Of Lobsters and Proletarians: Jordan Peterson’s Defense of Hierarchy Ben Burgis Liberal Arts Building 105
11:00-11:30 AM-Breakout Sessions
Big Papa in the Signifier of the Lack in the Other Daniel Deweese Liberal Arts Building 103
Art as Covenant with God or Art as Cultural Marxism? Yes Please! A Call for the Artist to Imagine Utopia Adam Adkins (Dirt - Son of Earth) Liberal Arts Building 105
LUNCH Recommended Locations: Chipotle, Panda Express, Baja Fresh, or Papa Joe’s (Italian) (all ~13 minute walk from campus
12:30-2:00 PM - Podcast: Peterson’s Christianity, Peter Rollins and C Derek Varn Liberal Arts Building 106
2:15-3:45 Podcast: Maps of Meaning: Lain, Varn, Pothast, (Brooks?) Liberal Arts Building 106
3:30-4:00 PM - Breakout Session
Mythic Individualism Stephen Dozeman Liberal Arts Building 105
4:05-4:35 PM - Breakout Session
Women and Lobsters: Stereotypes and Archetypes Eliot Rosenstock Liberal Arts Building 103
5:00 PM - Richard Wolff: A Marxist Responds Liberal Arts Building Room 106
Evening: Social put on by Boise DSA
Optional after-gathering at Solid Grill & Bar,18 Minute walk from campus, or catch a Lyft! All ages welcome! DSA is buying all presenters a round of drinks!
Solid Grill & Bar
405 S 8th Street
7:00-9:30 PM
8:30 AM - Breakfast Recommended Location: Addies (~17 minute walk from campus)
10:00 AM - Podcast: Intersectionality Struggle Summit Lookout Room (located on 3rd floor of Student Union Building (SUB))
Afternoon Activity: Hike to Table Rock (optional)
Pre-Game Sessions:
Those who aren't able to join physically will be giving presentations in advance to the conference. We are very excited to be joined by these distinguished guests.
#JPCON Pre-Game Session with Jaden Adams and Antonio Garcia
Click here to watch the video of this event
5:00 PM - Pre-Conference Keynote: Jordan Peterson Has No Future- Peter Frase
Chaotic Good: An Antidote to Jordan Peterson Peter Frase
Click here to watch the video of this event
#JPCON Pre-Game Session with Tanner Mirrlees and Ben Witham
Watch the video for these two talks here.
#JPCON Pre-Game Session with Brent Cooper and One More TBA
Check out the event on Facebook here. Join us in person in Boise or online via Google Hangouts.